Mail Server Or Others Server > Hardware requirement
Processor : Intel Dual Core to above (64bit Supported)
Motherboard : Matching with Processor speed. (Intel or Gigabyte or Asus or Dell)
RAM : Minimum 2GB or 4GB or 8GB
Hard Disk : 500GB x 2 or 1TB x 2 (Hardware RAID System)
Power supply : Good Quality
Casing : Thermal with Cooling Fan system good quality
LAN : 1000MB Link Speed (External LAN)
Domain Name : www.example.com

Mail Server Or Others Server > Hardware requirement
Processor : Intel Dual Core to above (64bit Supported)
Motherboard : Matching with Processor speed. (Intel or Gigabyte or Asus or Dell)
RAM : Minimum 2GB or 4GB or 8GB
Hard Disk : 500GB x 2 or 1TB x 2 (Hardware RAID System)
Power supply : Good Quality
Casing : Thermal with Cooling Fan system good quality
LAN : 1000MB Link Speed (External LAN)
Domain Name : www.example.com
- example.com (Please Register to under your DNS Server)
- Need one Real IP Address for Mail server.
Please Contract for Server Configuration or Solutions
System Engineer & AdministratorZimbra/Postfix/VMware/Expert-RHCSA,RHCE
Address: House # 5/1, Primary School Road, Kallayenpur, Mirpur, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
Address: House # 5/1, Primary School Road, Kallayenpur, Mirpur, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
Email : info@serversolutinobd.com, serversolutionbd@gmail.com
Cell : 01719-322424